To show this dock regardless of what the frontmost application is, click this button.
only show in these applications
To show this dock only when an application listed below is frontmost, click this button.
never show in these applications
To show this dock most of the time except when an application listed below is frontmost, click this button.
minimise in these applications
To minimise this dock when an application listed below is frontmost, and keep it maximised otherwise, click this button.
maximise in these applications
To maximise this dock when an application listed below is frontmost, and keep it minimised otherwise, click this button.
To add a new application to the list, click this button.
You can also drag applications into the list from any dock or Finder window to add them directly.
To remove the selected applications from the list, click this button.
You can also choose Clear from the Edit menu.
To prevent further changes to this dock, click the lock button until it shows a closed padlock icon. To make changes, click it again until it shows an open padlock icon.
To switch to the Dock Options windows for the other docks, click the arrow buttons to navigate between them.